Did you know that you can raise funds for the Friends of Charter School whenever you buy anything online, at no extra cost to yourself. Over the past couple of years, we've raised more than £2,000 through Easyfundraising, but we could raise much more.
We can really boost the funds we raise for The Friends if as many of you as possible use the site for your Christmas shopping.
How to get involved:
1. click here to visit the website: Easyfundraising
2. Click the 'Support this cause' button. If you'd like some help in how to use the site, there'a a very quick and handy video here. How easyfundraising Works
Funds raised will be used to support a range of extra curricular activities at the school - activities which, due to budget cuts, the school can no longer afford to fund itself.
In recent years this has included purchasing sports equipment (such as trampolines and table tennis tables as well as sports kits), music and DT clubs (such as steel pans and guitar making), as well as supporting participation in school trips and the Duke of Edinburgh scheme (buying equipment and helping to fund places for pupils who would not otherwise be able to take part).
Thank you for supporting The Friends and the school and happy shopping!