Students at The Charter School North Dulwich are today celebrating their GCSE and Level 2 vocational results.
Our Year 11s have all worked hard to achieve the excellent outcomes we have seen today, and these results are a tribute to their amazing perseverance and resilience and should be celebrated.
Overall, results have improved on 2019 and for certain subjects show an improvement on the 2022 data. Headlines include:
· 86% of all students in Year 11 have attained a standard pass or above in both English and Maths (Grade 4-9), previously 84% in 2022.
· 78% of all students gained a strong pass in both English and Maths - this is the same as in 2022 and a significant increase on the previous figure of 67% in 2019.
· 43% of all grades at GCSE were graded at 7-9, a slight decrease from 44% in 2019.
· 56% gained the English Baccalaureate, an increase from 49% in 2019.
· 74% of students gained at least 1 GCSE or vocational qualification at Grade 7-9 or equivalent, an increase from 68% in 2019.
· 15% of all grades awarded are at a Grade 9, a slight decrease from 18% in 2022.
Headteacher, Mark Pain, said: “We are extremely proud of the achievements of every one of our Year 11 students whose hard work and commitment to excellence in their education has led to these fantastic GCSE results. These results give our young people a strong foundation from which to progress to the next stage of their education and fulfil their hopes and ambitions. I also want to thank our teachers and families who have supported all our students throughout the challenges of the past two years.”
Y11 have done incredibly well overall and there were several exceptional individual performances including:
· Carly Addison (8 Grade9, 3 Grade 8)
· Barley Page (10 Grade9)
· Nancy Hayes (9 Grade9, 2 Grade 8)
· Anais Antopolski (7 Grade9, 4 Grade 8)
· Greta Barbieri (10 Grade9)
· Alexei Fellows (9 Grade9, 1 Grade 8)
· Alice Powell (9 Grade9, 1 Grade 8)
· Amelia Mitchell (9 Grade9, 2 Grade 8)
· Eve Judet (8 Grade 9,1 Grade 8, 1 Grade 7)
Additionally the following students not only gained an excellent set of results but also made exceptional progress during their time with us at the school:
· Alice Thomas (10 Grade 9-7)
· William Mitchiner (11 Grade 9-7)
· Lula Bailie (11 Grade 9-7)
· Lyla Ellis (9 Grade 9-7)
· Rocco Savini (7 Grade 9-7)
· Joshua Headlam Charles (8 Grade 9-7)
Across a range of subjects at GCSE there were significant successes, in particular in English Literature and Language, Maths, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography,Citizenship, Religious Studies and Sociology. Exceptional outcomes were also achieved in the creative and performing arts, including outstanding progress and attainment in Art, Drama, Food Technology, Design Technology, Music and Sport.
These are just a few of the highlights of today’s fantastic results, but we congratulate and celebrate every single Year 11 student for their achievements and thank them for their hard work throughout the difficulties of the last two years. We are delighted that the majority of pupils now have results that mean that they are able progress to the next stage of their education and focus on what will be a great future.
The Charter School North Dulwich, part of The Charter School’s Educational Trust, is an inclusive, non-selective, state funded school and is proud to be recognised as one of the top schools in the country for achievement at both GCSE and A level. We also celebrate the outstanding results achieved by The Charter School East Dulwich and The Charter School Bermondsey, as we continue to work together to develop and build upon excellence for students and families, across the schools.