Students and staff have been finding creative ways to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement over the past few weeks.

The illegal and tragic killing of George Floyd in the USA had a profound effect on people across the world, and students and staff at The Charter School North Dulwich have worked together over the past few weeks to find ways to express their solidarity, sadness, anger and frustration at the injustices and inequalities that still exist in society today, especially for those in our communities from a BAME background.

As part of this work staff and students have produced a solidarity collage, pictured, and discussed some of the key issues in tutor sessions.  In assemblies, Ms Gray and Mr Francis have presented the Killing of George Floyd and The Windrush Anniversary.

Key stage 3 students have completed PSHE tasks and produced an anthology in English, which you can download and read contains some powerful words describing how our young people feel about their experiences or views on these important issues.

Finally we have included a Parents' guide which you can download below to help you as you discuss the Black Lives Matter movement with your children.

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