The Admissions consultation is now closed.

The Charter School North Dulwich Consultation window closed on Friday 11th January 2019 for comments on the draft Admissions Policy 2020-2021. 18 responses were received during the consultation.

The Charter Schools Educational Trust have considered the responses received and, following discussion at both Local Governing Body and Trust Board level, the Trust will be implementing the following changes as detailed in the proposed policy:

  • Increase PAN for Y7 entry 2020 to 192 (from 180)
  • The extra 12 places will be prioritised for Pupil Premium students

Following the same consultation, the Trust will not be implementing the following proposed change:

  • Moving the school nodal point to the designated main vehicle entrance of the school

The policy will be introduced for September 2020 entry to The Charter School North Dulwich. The Charter School North Dulwich’s final Admissions Policy 2020-2021 can be accessed here.

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