Year 13 students at The Charter School North Dulwich have today received their official exam board awarded A level and BTEC grades. The unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances, brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent school closures, mean that these results are unique in that they are grades awarded by the exam boards and not the result of national examinations and externally verified coursework.
On results day we would normally be celebrating Year 13’s success, both overall and individually, and recognition must be given to the majority of our students whose hard work at school before lockdown has resulted in them securing their preferred university course, apprenticeship or job. Their commitment means that they can look forward with confidence to the next stage in their education and careers.
However, amongst the celebrations, there are students who will be disappointed with their awarded grades and we will be working with them in order to assess their best way forward. Due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding the methodology and fairness in calculating this year’s grades the school has also released today the centre assessed grades, which were submitted to the exam boards.
43% of the grades submitted by the school have been downgraded and we understand that Ofqual will be issuing further guidance on the appeals process early next week.
Headteacher, Christian Hicks commented: “This year’s Y13 have faced a set of circumstances unseen in a generation and they have reacted with dignity and good grace. I am very proud of the many success stories, which are a direct result of students' hard work during the 18 months before lockdown changed everything. However, we realise that some will be disappointed, and we are committed to supporting them as they decide what steps they want to take next.
It has been a difficult time for Year 13, and we wish them all the very best as they move on to the next stage of their careers, be that higher education, an apprenticeship or the world of work. They all have bright futures ahead of them despite the immediate obstacles thrown up by Covid-19, and we will support them in every way we can as they pursue their dreams.”
Students can find more information regarding this year's results HERE
You can also read below the letter that was sent to Gavin Williamson MP and our local MPs requesting urgent action following last week's results.