At charter we have many different roles including Tutor Representatives, Year Representatives, the Head-student team, Lead-students as well as House Captains. As a previous head-boy this role enabled me to build confidence and invaluable skills that have helped me in everyday life. Being the spokesperson for your peers emphasises the charter value of responsibility and we quickly learn that as young people we have the power to change the world.
The student Council work with staff to implement their ideas through assemblies, organising fundraising events, helping at after school events and attending staff meetings to share students' voice. They learn very important life lessons on the student council such as teamwork, leadership, presentation skills, as well as planning and organising events like Black history month, pride month, celebration concerts and many more, We have embraced a feeling of family that charter highlights and meetings with students have improved communication between year groups and has created links between us.
Each year group is responsibility for improving a specific area of our school community each year. For example, Year 7 are focused on the 'Environment' while year 11 and Year 13 are working together on 'Mental health' this year to support their anxiety around exams. Also, each year group picks one local charity around their topic area to support as part of our 'Family values' to teach us about being an active citizen within our community.